الجمعة، 25 يناير 2013

Buffon: rejected Barcelona and I do not regret never

Italian goalkeeper admitted giant Gian Luigi Buffon he refused to move to Barcelona 2001 as it favored Go
to Juventus, saying that this decision was one hundred percent true and that he did not regret it never despite the successes achieved by Barcelona now.

Buffon told reporters: "It is natural to ask myself what would have been the case if I moved to Barcelona instead of Juventus in 2001, but if we look at things from the perspective of another Fbrchillona did not begin harvesting victories only in 2006 and five years without titles for too long, which leads me to say that, given the march that figured out, I do not regret at all. "

Noteworthy that Buffon joined Juventus in 2001 from Parma a record for goalkeepers amounted to 39 million euros, a record number for this position ... has renewed his contract a few days ago until the year 2015.

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