الأحد، 10 فبراير 2013

Milan draw against Cagliari

Milan draw against Cagliari dominated positive tie between the host club AC Milan and Cagliari (1-1) Sunday afternoon at the "St. Elijah" within the twenty-fourth round of the league of Italian football.

Saw the first half controlled minor Cagliari and missed Abarbo opportunity to register after Musbandnh for the guard, but his ball Aalt goal in the final minute of Omar first half returned Colombian striker Victor Abarbo but this time to score the first goal for his team through vertical beautiful inhabited the right of goalkeeper Abbiati 45.

In the second half, Milan was able to tie by Mario Balotelli from the pen drive on the track Cagliari defender David Astori in the 82nd minute and this is the third goal for Mario fought through two games with the Rossoneri. Meeting ends in a draw positive goal for each team.

The draw lifted Milan score to point 41 in the fourth while shouting Cagliari balance at the point in the sixth century.

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