الأحد، 27 يناير 2013

Boateng City for Balotelli to Milan

Newspaper said Italian Alchorary that Milan 20 million euros for the nail services City star Mario Balotelli in January.

The City initially demanded 28 million euros on at once, but negotiations Galliani and Mino Raiola has transformed City requests to 25 million euros, with the approval of the installment Milan amount in six installments.

And confirm Alchorary remaining five million euros between City and Milan may not be resolved through Ghanaian player Kevin Brenes Boateng required by Roberto Mancini at Etihad Stadium.

And Boateng may be the solution to the problem material disagreement between the City and Milan to turn the deal into a reciprocal deal that passes through Balotelli Milan and Boateng for Milan City with paying a sum of money.

And predicted Alchorary well turned Milan to Naples to buy midfielder Desmaala to compensate for Boateng in the case of his departure to the City.

And suffering Desmaala ignored coach Matazary who in the middle depends on the trio of Hamsik and Ainleyr and basically Behrami and ignores Desmaala.

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